Friday, January 9, 2009

Taygan's new favorites!

Since it has been a while I though I would update everyone on some of Taygan's new favorite things. First off she is obsessed with dolls! She pretty much packs a baby doll with her wherever she goes. She loves Elmo she thinks he is way cool! She loves her new horse Grandpa Jeff & Stacey got her for Christmas but she cannot ride it unless she has on her cowgirl hat ( I will post pics way cute). She loves shoes and jewelry, she is all girl! She loves her sled daddy bought her and she especially likes it when her dog Oaklee pulls her around the field in her sled (I will video it next time we go out it is pretty funny) even though she gets thrown around a bit when she takes off. Her new thing she does that is so cute is when you tell her it is time for the prayer she folds her little arms and says amen, it kinda melts my heart when she does it and makes me want to cry a little, she is such a sweet little spirit and I don't know what I would do without her! She loves to eat lettuce plain, yes plain and if it is an option she will eat nothing else, she also love guacamole she will eat it by the spoon full and pretty much anything else that is healthy for her which is great she is so not a sweets girl. She has become a way bad Mommy's girl, when I leave the room she has a breakdown which is quite flattering but also a little difficult at times and she is totally into the loving thing right now she always wants to give hugs and kisses which is fine by me! She is such a fun girl everyday I am amazed by her I could not love her more and I am so thankful to be her Mommy!

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