Friday, August 8, 2008

How about that hair!

As you can see Taygan's hair was out of control and it was driving me nuts so she got her first hair cut this week. I am sad that we won't be able to do her cute little pony tails for a while but it looks much better and hopefully this will help it grow in thicker and more even. She was sooo good while we were cutting it, it only took like 5 minutes and she didn't even move, we took the clippers to the sides and back with the longest blade on and then took like 1 1/2 inches off the top, I didn't realize how long it was until we cut it.


Natalie said...

I came across your blog.. It is darling!!! And you do such a great job on your photography!!!

Rick and Ali said...

Love the blog Tasia Lee! I can't believe how long that monster's hair has gotten...keep updating so I can read more family fun!