Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fall/Halloween Fun at Hee Haw's!

Last Saturday we went to Hee Haw's in Pleasant Grove for the afternoon, we had so much fun. Taygan loved seeing the animals and petting them, she couldn't quite understand why she had to get off the pony, she wanted to keep going and didn't want the other kids to ride it, she thought she could ride as long as she wanted like she does at papa's. She sure loves horses, it is way cute. She got to go down the hay slide (Dad went down way faster than he thought he would, he almost dropped her), she rode the animal train, went on a trick er treat hayride (she loved her treats), she went to the pumpkin patch and did lots of other fun things. It kills me how big she is getting, she thinks she is so grown up it really makes me sad but she is so fun and I love to see her experience new things.

1 comment:

Erica said...

A new post would be appreciated...