Well I had this grand idea that I was going to have him fit inside the boot but he was to big so I had to settle for this! Still love it!
Oh this little man is just to cute and he is starting to get some chubby cheeks and rolls, nothing better than a chubby baby! He is just to sweet and content and sleepy the kid is 5 weeks old and is still only awake for like 4 hours total all day he loves to sleep even at night! He loves to look around for his sister when he is awake I love how he looks for her when he hears her voice, he loves to snuggle and to be sang to. I was so worried when I had him if I would be able to love him as much as I love Taygan and I definatly do it is amazing how much you can love your kids and love them all the same! He has brought so much love, joy and happiness to our home already I can't wait for whats to come! He loves to bath and gets to bath with sister which she loves well except for when she gets peed on yep he pees on her in the tub from time to time but she still hasn't learned to look out!
Oh this girl is just the cutest, sweetest, most full of personality thing ever she makes me smile and laugh every day she is my little princess and I could not love her more! These are a few of my favorite pictures of her recently she is getting so big and grown up, I thought she was still so little until Hayze came now she seems so big. She is such a big helper and just loves her brother she loves to hold him and read him stories and sing to him and she holds his hand and and gives him his bink when we drive she just adores him! My favorite thing she does with him though is while se say our family prayers each night she holds him and strokes his little cheek with her finger and then smothers him in kisses! oh and her nickname for him is handsome Hayze! She loves to play with her friends and cousins more than anything and everyday she asks who she gets to play with today as if its manditory to have friends over daily especially since I have been home everyday, she can play with anyone and makes friends so easily she just has that loveable friendly personality! She loves her grandmas and grandpas and loves to visit and play and be spoiled! Just can't get enough of this little girl!
Oh she was so chubby and cute!! I think (and hope) Hayze is going to be a cute little chub just like her, I love chubby babies nothing cuter!
I can't beleive Hayze is going to be three weeks old already this week, it has gone by way to fast and has been much easier of an adjustment than I thought it would be. Taygan has done great and she just loves and adores her baby brother she is also such a great helper she gets me diapers, warms his wipes, makes his bottles, throws his diapers away, etc. She loves to hold and snuggle him and talk baby talk to him oh and her new favorite is taking him for rides on her pony she thinks it is pretty neat!
So far he has been a great baby sleeps great, eats great, rarely crys and just loves to chill! He reminds me so much of Taygan when she was a baby, Troy and I pulled out some of her newborns pics the other day and it is amazing how much they look alike I will find a good one and post it so you can see! He had his two week checkup this week and he was already 8 lbs (26%) and he is 21.25 (78%) inches long, I think he is going to be a chubby one like Taygan oh she was so stinking cute! Cannot wait!
Meet our new little man Hayze Owen Johnson born April 7th at 7:54 am weighing in at 7lbs 12 ounces and 20.5 inches long! He looks so much like Taygy did when she was born it is crazy, he does have a lot more hair that is a lot darker though and he has darker skin. Everything went great with the c-section, apparently I am the first patient they have ever seen move themselve from the operating table to the hospital bed while in the operating room it was the craziest thing the epidural made me numb but I still had complete control of movement and feeling just not pain so weird! I did so well they let me go home the second day which was great! So far he has been a great baby as happy and content as could be and he is a great eater and his big sister just loves and adores him she is so sweet with him we could not love them more! Thanks to all of our family and friends for their help, love and support we love you all!
We decided to do some easter activities in advance since I am 36 1/2 weeks along and I had Taygan at 37 just in case! Saturday morning we took Taygy swimming in Lehi at the Rec center, if you have never been you need to go so much fun for kids it is awesome! Then last night we did easter eggs, made easter cupcakes and relaxed watching a couple of her favorite movies it was a great relaxing and fun Saturday!